Home Economy Forced collection of debts from a debtor who has left the country

Forced collection of debts from a debtor who has left the country

by buma888

One of the most challenging situations for a creditor is when a debtor, having failed to fulfill their debt repayment obligations, hides abroad. Collecting debts under these conditions becomes more complicated, but not impossible. Legislation in different countries provides mechanisms for debt collection even when the debtor is outside the creditor’s jurisdiction, but the process requires careful analysis of legal options and coordinated actions.

Main Problems of Debt Collection Abroad

When the debtor is outside the creditor’s jurisdiction, the main obstacles are:

  • Differences in Legal Systems. Different countries have varying legal systems, complicating the collection process. For instance, certain types of debt might not be recognized as enforceable in some jurisdictions.
  • Difficulty in Locating the Debtor. Debtors often hide, change countries, or use false documents, making their location challenging to determine.
  • Challenges in Enforcing Foreign Court Decisions. Even with a court decision for debt collection, enforcement in a foreign country requires adherence to specific procedures.

Possible Mechanisms for Debt Collection

  1. International Agreements. There are international treaties that regulate the recognition and enforcement of court decisions in foreign countries.
  2. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Decisions. If the country where the debtor is located is not a party to international agreements, it may be necessary to initiate legal proceedings in that country to recognize a Ukrainian court decision or file a claim directly in that jurisdiction. It is important to comply with local legislation and gather evidence and possible court costs.
  3. Extradition and Deportation Procedures. In some cases, mechanisms for extradition or deportation of the debtor may be used if there is criminal prosecution related to the debt, such as if the debtor’s actions are classified as fraud. However, these measures are not always applicable and require adherence to strict international procedures.
  4. Using Collection Agencies Abroad. In several countries, agencies operate that specialize in debt collection based on international requests. These agencies have experience with local legislation and can significantly expedite the debt collection process.

Practical Steps for the Creditor

  1. Gathering Information on the Debtor. Before initiating international debt collection procedures, the creditor should try to gather as much information as possible about the debtor: current location, assets abroad, connections with other countries. This will help coordinate further actions and choose the most effective strategy.
  2. Obtaining a Court Decision. Even if the debtor has already left the country, it is important to obtain a court decision in the creditor’s home country, which will serve as the basis for subsequent international procedures. Without such a decision, collection abroad will be impossible.
  3. Legal Support. It is crucial to involve qualified lawyers with experience in international cases and familiar with the legislation of the countries where the debtor might be located. This will help avoid mistakes and expedite the collection process.
  4. Analyzing Assets Abroad. If the debtor has assets abroad, the creditor can request the seizure of these assets. This will require the assistance of local lawyers and legal procedures in the country where the assets are located.


Collecting debts from debtors who have fled abroad is a complex and costly process that requires careful preparation, the use of international legal mechanisms, and often the involvement of local lawyers. However, even in such situations, the chances of successful debt collection remain if actions are taken correctly and consistently. International agreements, recognition of foreign court decisions, and professional legal support allow creditors to protect their rights and achieve debt recovery despite territorial borders.

More information at this link: https://www.grandliga.com/debt-collection-from-a-debtor-who-has-fled-abroad/

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