Home Exclusive news Breads with omelet

Breads with omelet

by dnews7

Composition for 6 sandwiches:

6 bread

3 eggs

3 tablespoons of cream

3 tablespoons of butter

0, 5 (half) red Bulgarian pepper

1 onion

2 tomatoes

6 tablespoons of cheese “Feta”

1 tablespoon of chopped parsley


ground paprika


Firstly, cut on onions with very thin rings. We clean the bell pepper from the seeds and cut into small cubes. Pour the onion and pepper in the pan, sprinkle with salt and season with the ground paprika. Put on small fire and fry in butter to a state of softness.

Mix eggs with cream and beat well. Add the whipped mixture to vegetables (to the pan) and covered with a lid. Stew on small heat, about 4 minutes. After that, let the omelet cool and cut into 6 triangles.

Cut the tomatoes.


The surface of the bread is covered with cheese “Fet” (1 tablespoon for each bread). On top we put the triangles of the omelet and pieces of tomato. And finally, sprinkle all this finely chopped parsley.

Delicious sandwiches!

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