Home The science Pears stuffed with broinza and beef

Pears stuffed with broinza and beef

by dnews7

For the preparation of pears stuffed with beef and broinza, you will need the following products: three or four ripe pears, one hundred grams of Dutch cheese or fresh Brynza, one hundred and fifty grams of smoked beef meat, sixty grams of purified walnuts, salt and one hundred grams of non-fat mayonnaise.

Method of preparing pears stuffed with feta cheese and beef

Choose whole and “unlimited” pears, wash them, cut into equal parts, dry, clean from the core and a small amount of pulp. Smoked beef meat must be ground in a meat grinder or very finely chopped, exactly you need to do this with Brynza, but if you stopped at the Dutch cheese, it is better to grate it on a large grater.

The ground beef meat must be combined with cheese, then add crushed walnuts to them and seasoned with mayonnaise. Further, this mixture must be mixed well so that all the ingredients are saturated with mayonnaise. The mixture for the filling is ready, now you can start filling the pears, but do not forget one very important detail. Before stuffing the pears with a feta cheese and beef, they should stay in the refrigerator, at least thirty minutes. After the pears stuffed with beef and a broom will be ready, they can be supplemented with greens, small pieces of orange by zest, as well as exquisite spices.

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