This parish church is a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture in Sardinia, although some Gothic forms have undergone serious changes in another era – Baroque. The Church of Dee Nostra Senor Terghu is in Castelsardo, in the province of Sassari, and is an exquisite expression of Romanesque architecture throughout the region.
That is why all tourists traveling through Sardinia come here. The entrance to the church is the stone arch that goes out into the street Via ampurias. The date of construction of the church dates back to the 12th century, earlier the church was part of the monastery, which was built by monks from Montecassino.
The church building itself occupies the territory of the plateau. It is built of beautiful red stone. Some details are made of another material – limestone. The facade has undergone changes, due to collapse it does not have enough upper part.
And the lower part is on the pedestal, two half -columns come from it, which, in turn, smoothly go into three small half -fluorcous of limestone. The central arch is supported by several supports, the arch is decorated with a marvelous ornament in the form of round windows.