Home Exclusive news Chatny from rhubarb

Chatny from rhubarb

by dnews7


750 grams of fresh rhubarb

Poles of fresh apples

40 grams of finely chopped almonds

2 tablespoons 25% acetic acid

half a teaspoon of ground ginger

400 grams of brown sugar (unpeeled)

100 grams of white raisins (which without bones)

100 grams of dried plums (without bones)

A glass of water (250 milliliters)

1 tablespoon of mustard seeds

A pinch of Kayenic pepper


The most important difficulty in this recipe is to collect all the necessary products in one place. If this problem is solved, then we proceed ..

Thoroughly my rhubarb, then remove the skin and cut into small pieces. We act in the same way with apples, just do not forget to remove the core. Ginger, almonds and plums are chopped in any convenient way.


We collect the following products in one pan: apples, rhubarb, water, all sugar, vinegar essence. We put the pan on a small fire and dance around it, about an hour, while regularly stirring the contents. Когда пройдёт первый час и содержимое кастрюли превратится в густую массу, добавляем в кастрюлю имбирь, миндаль, сливы… в общем, всё, что осталось, кроме перца. Leave on the stove for one more hour, again we stir so that it does not get drunk. At the very end, sprinkle with Kayensky pepper. Chatny is ready! It is better to serve with meat to the table.

Bon appetit!

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