Home Holidays Cheap rest in Bulgaria

Cheap rest in Bulgaria

by dnews7

We missed the sea? You raptily recall the rustle of the wave, gently rolling on the coast? After reading this article about a review in Bulgaria, below, spend a few minutes on pleasant familiar sensations, this video will add strength to you until the vacation.

In Bulgaria, a small resort village is located on the beautiful Black Sea coast – a review.

He began his transformation from the village to the resort in 1929. In ancient times, the city of the Sun was located in its place. So the name of the Greek settlement Heliopolis is deciphered. And after, when the Roman Empire seized power, one of the residence of the Roman emperors was erected here.

The review meets its visitors with clean air, beautiful beaches, small waterfalls, mountain streams and virgin untouched forests. It has a convenient location for vacationers – next to the country’s large resort centers: Varna, Nesoebr, Burgas and the Sunny Coast. And also guests will please low housing prices and excellent service.

The resort is a moderate warm climate, in summer the average air temperature rises to 23-28 degrees above zero. And sea water has a temperature of about +25 ° C.

Tourists will be able to admire the sights of the review.

Among them are a picturesque Orthodox Church in a small park in the center of the resort village.

Antiquity exhibition located in the same park. There you can look at fragments of columns and the capitals who once stood here for the temple.

And on the mountain towering above the review, you can see the ruins of the once magnificent city of the Sun.

Entertainment lovers will be able to relax in the bar and have fun at discos in the entertainment center “Castle”, located right on the beach.

Children will also find what to entertain themselves in the amusement park, on water slides and playgrounds.

Preferring outdoor activities will be able to visit the equestrian base, jump with a parachute and just relax, rolling on catamarans and water bananas.

Of course, guests will be able to find any dishes to their taste in numerous cafes, restaurants and bars of the resort. Try Bulgarian wines, as well as visit numerous grocery shops and a bazaar of vegetables and fruits, which are very cheap here.

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