Home Auto Ferrari Enzo with a new engine

Ferrari Enzo with a new engine

by dnews7

More recently, at the Geneva Motor Show, there was an Italian company introduced the fastest Ferrari model called F12 Berlinetta. But the manufacturer of one of the best supercars is not standing still and perhaps this year a modernized Ferrari Enzo will appear on the market with a hybrid power plant, about which we wrote a day a week ago.

According to the assumptions of foreign colleagues, the novelty will be called F70 based on the names of previous modifications F40, F50. According to rumors, the new generation Ferrari Enzo will have a V8 engine instead of the usual V12 with a central location and rear -wheel drive, but as it turned out, these are really just rumors. In fact, the Italian supercar will be equipped with a 6, 3-liter power unit V12, as well as F12 and FF models. But the engine will be subjected to a number of improvements, which will make it more powerful and bring it closer to 800 liters. With. Moreover, the engine will operate paired with KERS (a system of restoration of kinetic energy), transmission and electric motor of which the power of which is 120 liters. With. The new power plant in total will produce about 920 horsepower at the same time demonstrating the minimum emission of harmful substances. The novelty will have a lighter body and possibly a chassis made of aluminum as a result of which the weight of Ferrari Enzo will be about 2550 kg. Given the weight and power of the engine, the new F70 model will be able to demonstrate better acceleration than Bugatti Veyron. The novelty will be presented at the Geneva Motor Show next year and will be sold at a price of over 700,000 US dollars.

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