Gagra is a rather old city that originates in its history back in the first century BC. In the 19th century, the city was a fortress – a specially constructed fortification to protect Abkhazia from Circassians. Later, Prince Alexander Petrovich Oldenburg turned the city into a full -fledged resort. Of course, for this he had to completely establish such necessary aspects as: water supply, telegraph, electricity and much more. 9. 01. 1903, the opening of the climatic station took place, which gave the right to consider this day by the opening of the resort. Perhaps dinner at the Gagripsh restaurant you can return in those days with thoughts, because it was in it that this unforgettable event was noted. And it was at that time that the famous park was laid in Gagra, with its magnificent palm trees, agaves and citrus trees. Great pleasure will bring an examination of the fortress of Abaata. Prince Oldenburgsky at one time ordered to destroy part of this monument, but only the wall from the sea suffered. The rest of the towers and walls have survived to our time very well. You will have an unforgettable experience after visiting the viewing platforms of Gagra. There are two of them and both are on Maamzyshkh’s mountain, towering near the city itself. Opening an amazing panorama will not leave anyone indifferent.
Gagra – the city of dreams of the country
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