The Grand Sasso-i-Monti-Tsya National Park is located in the Italian province of Abruzzi, almost in the very center of the country. 150 thousand hectares are occupied by the territory of this unique natural reserve. Where every visitor throughout the year will be able to admire the amazingly beautiful views, a picturesque landscape, get acquainted with the lush vegetation of the region and observe life and inhabitation in the natural environment of various types of wild animals. However, in addition to natural attractions in the park, numerous traces of habitat here are preserved. Including – architectural monuments of the Middle Ages and the time of the Roman Empire. Three picturesque mountain massifs that surround the territory of the park are admired, especially the highest peak of Apennin, 2914 meters high-corn-grad. Not far from it is the southern glacier in the European continent. The flora of the reserve is represented by more than two thousand species of plants, of which the most valuable and rare relict plants can be found at mountain peaks. These include a stone, a unique violet – Mayla, and Apennine Edelweiss. For scientists, the National Park of Grand Sasso-I-Monti-deli is an amazing place for studying the Mediterranean flora. On one of the mountain slopes of the park, chestnut groves and oak forests are growing here in the P6riod of Antiquity. At that time, they were the main factor affecting the economic growth of local villages. There are many thickets of beech, mixed forests of elm, ash, linden, maple, Paduba. And in some places you can find even small areas of the spruce. Another advantage of this park can be called the only Apennin in the entire territory of the grandiose thickets of blueberries – surprisingly sweet and very large.
Grand Sasso-i-Monti-deli National Park