Home Exclusive news Interesting in Thessaloniki

Interesting in Thessaloniki

by dnews7

Saloniki are the largest international port of Greece. In addition, it is the second largest city in the country, and its history began 23 centuries ago, when the Macedonian king Cassandr founded the settlement of Thessaloniki here. This is a completely modern city where you will find many hotels with bars and night clubs and entertainment centers, in the architecture of which, nevertheless, are regularly found in ancient buildings. Local residents managed to preserve the national flavor with their traditions, despite the claims of many peoples.

You can find anything interesting in Thessaloniki almost every step, because this city is not just called the open-air museum. Tourists from all over the world come here to visit the so -called old city that the fortress walls are surrounded. There are also Byzantine churches in Thessaloniki that are decorated with frescoes, while many of them can also boast of the presence of unique images with icons, and the triumphal arch, and the most diverse public buildings, famous for their architecture, and the famous white tower, which became the symbol of the city itself. By the way, it was erected in 1430 by the Turks, and its entertainment area surrounded, in which you will be waiting for a cafeteria with taverns, tea, restaurants and numerous souvenir shops with shops.

What else is interesting in Thessaloniki, in addition to the old city? Resting here, you should definitely visit the magnificent embankment, where you can fully enjoy the stunning view of the sea. It is also worth visiting the Archaeological Museum, at the excavations of the village of Pella and in the tomb of King Philip, which is known for golden sarcophagus. Well, lovers of sea and water entertainment will please local beaches with the pure Aegean Sea and an excellent water park “Waterland”.

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