Home Real estate The number of vacationers in the Tunisia of Russian citizens increased 13 times

The number of vacationers in the Tunisia of Russian citizens increased 13 times

by dnews7

The 2nd place in an increase in the number of tourists in Tunisia was taken by Ukraine, and closed the three Spain. In the summer of the current 2016. 131 thousand citizens of Russia went to Tunisia, while last year there were only 10 thousand.

Tour operators note that the Spanish result has been achieved, as a rule, due to cruise tourists.

In general, the growth of tourist flow to the North African country was shown by 29 European countries except England and Switzerland.

Tunisia authorities believe that this year they will be able to reach an indicator of seven million vacationers. During this time, at least 187 thousand visited the republic. A person that is 87 percent more than data for a similar period 2014.

Compared to the last year, the number of Russian tourists in Tunisia increased 13 times. It was this figure that was recorded in the most successful for the Turning of this country in 2014. In terms of visiting tourists from the Russian Federation, Tunisia surpassed its own achievement.

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