Home The science Where to go to relax in February?

Where to go to relax in February?

by dnews7

Winter is in earnest in Russia: blizzards and snowstorms, strong frosts, interruptions with transport, the heating system can no longer cope with its task ..

But this is already not worried about us, t. To. We gathered on vacation and choose our tourist route. So, where to go on vacation in February, in addition to traditional attractions, to participate in some unique event?

First of all, of course, in Pennsylvania (USA). We fly to visit Phil, the world -famous surk. On the second of February, on the morning dawn, a team of representative gentlemen with high cylinders and black tailcoats will rise on a turkey hill and wake the animal. One of them, leaning a groundhog against his ear, will listen to his forecast, and then declare the results to the assembled. If sunny weather will stand and the rodent sees its shadow, then the winter will be protracted and will last more than a month and a half. The ceremony in Panksutoni will be completed by the festival, in honor of the main weather forecast, to which several tens of thousands of tourists arrive annually.

Fourteenth February – Love Day. It is unlikely that you will find the best place for lovers on Earth than Jamaica. One of the two legendary hotels “Hedonism” on the shore of the gentle sea will provide you with any services that fantasy can draw.

All types of massages, walks on the former yacht of Onassis, where the cabin with a mirror ceiling is on all, decorating naked bodies on nudist beaches, fruit dessert contests, when a group of naked natures pouring each other with juice and rum, which is then communicated. There is no room for shame, here they feel more embarrassed than nudists.

Service personnel: bartenders, waiters, maids, etc., – And they wear clothes only painted on the body. There are no phones in these hotels – everything is done so as not to distract you from entertainment.

Both hotels seem to compete among themselves in ingenuity. Each of the seven days of the week here is a fun events. Discos of the 70-80s, evenings of bed games with a change of partners, meeting classmates, beach competitions, erotic carnivals, “Emperor’s caresses”, and many other games and contests in which love wins. Here everything is as if created for sex. The gazens drowning in tropical greenery are scattered throughout the territory of the parks, outlandish birds, bright, impressive flowers with their aroma, are unlikely to allow you to retire and save the forces. And it will cost all this pleasure $ 2500 per day. And with other, no less romantic routes for this day, we offer to get acquainted separately.

On February eighteenth, the annual carnival begins in Rio de Janeiro, the most colorful and most pompous on our planet. Half -naked black women, mesh, mulattos in motley outfits of feathers decorated with sparkling stones will be incendiaryly beat off the samba under the roar of firecrackers and drums, under the all nights of fireworks and fireworks all night. For one and a half – two thousand US United States, you can take part in this amazing procession.

Do not forget that you can buy a tour without an extinguishing travel agency. You do not lose anything, but acquire extra money that can be spent on vacation.

Hundreds of thousands of tourists go to the carnival from all over the world. More will be only in 2014, when the final tournament of the World Cup will be held here.

The twentieth day begins the week of Shrovetide at home. Pancakes with caviar and cottage cheese under a glass of good vodka, which can be dearer and tastier – so it can be time home?

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