Home Real estate Kushadasy – a rich history and a comfortable rest

Kushadasy – a rich history and a comfortable rest

by dnews7

In the bay on the shores of the Aegean Sea there is a Turkish port town of Kusadasy. It arose on the site of the pirate fortress, which was built centuries ago. And now the former pirate town has turned into one of the most expensive resorts in the country, attracting with its comfortable hotels, restaurants, night clubs and discos many tourists from around the world.

The name of the city from the Turkish language is translated as “bird island”. The city received such an unusual name thanks to a small island connected to the coast of Kushadasy with an artificial embankment. For centuries, pigeons, herons and many other birds nested for centuries.

The history of Kushadasy is very rich. For several thousand years of the existence of this city, the Hittites, the Romans, the Persians, the Greeks, the Byzantines and Ottomans visited here. Now there are many ruins of ancient buildings around the city that rose here once.

In the 16th century, sailors from Venice and Genoa arrived in the city, they gave the city the name “New Pier”. Thanks to them, we can admire the modern city, the foundation of which sailors laid on the ruins remaining from the great buildings. Roads, a port and a fortress were built here, which later became the shelter of Barbarossa – the famous Turkish pirate.

Tourists will be able to admire this fortress, as well as the fortress of Kushukada Kamia. She is on the pigeon island and became a symbol of the resort.

You can visit folklore restaurants scattered around the city. Particularly popular are restaurants in old quarters with narrow streets and houses built in a traditional style.

Travel fans will be able to go to such cities of Turkey as Ephesus, Troy, Miletus, Selchuk and many more cities that are the homelands of famous Greek scientists and philosophers. You can also see the famous “cotton lock”. Here are the temple of Artemis, the temple of Apollo, the House of the Virgin Mary and much more. On the territory of the “cotton castle” is located “Delek” – a national park in which many rare species of birds and animals live.

Golden beaches and the warm sea give many opportunities for excellent rest and classes of all kinds of sports.

Vacationers will be able to engage in underwater swimming and admire the beauty of the underwater world. For beginners in the city there are screening schools.

In the park “Delek” vacationers will be able to swim in secluded bays and sunbathe on golden beaches.

Adherents of a night lifestyle will have fun at the noisy discos of all kinds of styles and directions.

You can visit water parks, which are three here, or relax in a real Turkish bath.

Now Kushadasy is not just a resort, it is also a port city that takes giant cruise and commodity ships from all over the world. There is a huge market with an incredible choice of jewelry.

Traders inviting buyers in their stores speak in almost all languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

Numerous restaurants invite exotic dishes to taste, and the hospitality of the owners will pleasantly surprise the vacationers.

The city of Kushadasy shines with the lights of bars and discos day and night. Life here does not stop for a second. This is just an ideal place for both calm comfortable and outdoor activities.

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