Home Real estate Stuffed loaf

Stuffed loaf

by dnews7

Most of us do not perceive the stuffed loaf as an independent dish. And in vain, because the main thing is to choose the right filling, and then it will not be a shame to serve this culinary creation even to the festive table. You can stuff the loaf of meat, fish, eggs with green onions and many other products. We offer a fairly simple recipe using canned fish. Such stuffed loaf is perfect for breakfast. The necessary ingredients for the preparation process will need the following products: • Fish canned food (salmon, pink salmon, saira) – 1 bank; • Baton – 1 pc.; • Eggs – 2 pcs.; • onions – 1 pc.; • butter 50 g. Preparing our stuffed miracle first of all we prepare the filling for our stuffed loaf. The peeled and finely chopped onions are well frying in butter. Cut the bread and take out the crumb. Canned goods, fried onions and bread crumbs through a meat grinder. We carry our loaf and send it to the refrigerator with the resulting mass. At your discretion, you can add crushed salty cucumbers, olives, etc. P.

Baton stuffed with canned foods instead of sandwiches for breakfast or dinner.

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