Home Finance Summer camp will give children a wonderful vacation

Summer camp will give children a wonderful vacation

by dnews7

Every parent dreams of sending his child to the summer wellness camp. There he will be able to relax, eat in time and delicious, will be under the supervision of experienced educators, and not wander around the streets idle. In the camp, children observe a certain regime, are under the supervision of experienced educators and a doctor, have the opportunity to actively play sports, go on trips and on excursions, sunbathe and swim.

All day here the child is passionate about games, playing a computer, fun entertainment, contests. And in the evening they are waiting for a camp disco. Here the guys start new friends, exchange addresses and phones.

Children’s camps are not only on the seashore, but also in the forest or on the banks of rivers. In addition, there are children’s sanatoriums where a child not only actively rests, but also has the opportunity to improve his health. Experienced doctors work in these medical institutions, excellent medical equipment has been installed, there is a swimming pool. Children’s sanatoriums of the Vladimir region are among the picturesque nature. Children here are not only treated, but also learn. Here they are provided with excellent dietary nutrition, excellent medical care.

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When a vacation in the camp comes to an end, the children are preparing for a farewell fire. The tradition of gathering everyone at the Big Bonfire has developed for a long time. Here the guys sing songs, sadly say goodbye to camp life, because the suitcases are already collected, and agree to come here again for the future summer.

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