Compound: 750 grams of fresh rhubarb Poles of fresh apples
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Composition for 6 sandwiches: 6 bread 3 eggs 3 tablespoons of cream
Compound: For broth: 2 two liters of water Half of the chicken
In total, 133 kilometers from the Bulgarian capital, the city of Sofia, is perhaps the …
To prepare a delicious mushroom puree from champignons, you need to purchase the following ingredients: …
1 loaf butter mayonnaise Liver sausage or paste (any except fish)
Composition for 6 sandwiches: 6 bread 120 grams of cheese with blue mold
Compound: For broth: water 100 grams of dining room beets
The composition of the compote from rhubarb: 300 grams of rhubarb
E hair is a small resort village of Bulgaria, located at the foot of Mountain …